Coding 2023-06-30

By Max Woerner Chase

I took another look at the code that I was planning to... "take inspiration from", and either one specific part of it is subtly non-idiomatic, or I don't understand idiomatic OCaml. I'm going to assume the latter. In any case, I'm now looking for some other place to start messing around in.

After I pondered it a little, something occurred to me that made a lot of sense: Lox from Crafting Interpreters. I've gotten relatively far with it before, mainly hindered by the fact that I wanted language features that are in OCaml, but not so much in Lua. So, if I'm focusing on the early parts of Crafting Interpreters, I can focus the effort of learning on "Okay, I know how to do this thing in a bunch of languages. What's the OCaml version?"


All right, I've gotten a few things done, but it's about to get weird. I'm going to need to get error handling right, and that sounds like a thing to work on later.

Good night.