Coding 2023-04-15

By Max Woerner Chase

Okay, so, the next thing to work on is updating parametric_command to use the new class I threw together. I could try working methodically through the file, or making changes at random until Mypy stops yelling at me.

Or, I could try simulating that, but describing the code changes instead of trying to actually make them all at once.

At this point, I kind of lose the plot, because this somehow diverts it through seemingly every part of the artifact module.


I think it mainly ends up on the Input type, which passes it back out via exposed_selections(). Which is used for Part.selections(). Which comes back to _selections().

Let's assume we should be replacing MapOverSelection with Parametric[PathStr].

This represents a change in semantics in some fashion, but let's assume the way to update a sequence of these is to filter out incoming duplicates. Maybe look into making callable types for the various Parametric changes, so duplicates can be checked for structurally...

I'll look into trying to do this, maybe in the next few days, maybe next week. We'll see.

Good night.