Coding 2023-04-06

By Max Woerner Chase

Before I get into messing with code, let's take a look at what I need to know for one of the future steps, that of getting rid of MapOverSelection. First, let's see how it's used.

From here, it looks like all I need to do is to make sure some of the types are properly restricted. I think that can be accomplished by...

Using the type Parametric[PathStr]. Or maybe pairs of Parametric[T] and Callable[[T], PathStr]. Which implies to me that maybe I don't rip out quite as much as I was thinking I would. However...

I forgot my train of thought.

Anyway, I think I've got the information I need to plan out new versions. The one wrinkle is, I want to figure out if it's possible to take the core parametric() logic from yesterday, and have some of it in common somehow, since, unless I manage not to need the pair stuff, the pair is going to need its own decorator with an extremely similar implementation.

In any case, I should get ready for bed now.

Good night.