Coding 2022-06-18

By Max Woerner Chase

After I realized just how out-of-date a version of CodeMirror Jupyter Lab is using, and that there's an active effort to update it, I decided to hold on on writing code for it until they've ironed out the major version jump there.

I'm feeling a little tired right now, so I'm just going to see what I can get done or planned for MOTR.

Let's see what happens if I try to combine the python version stuff... It messed with things a little, but I think it's better this way. Better keep going...

Okay, I made those simplifications. The next logical steps are to rename some of the remaining globals to remove redundant information, and to inline some other globals that are only used once and not meant to be exported. It might also make sense to write __all__ lists for these modules for documentation.

I think the thing to do is write a bunch of my ideas down by hand, and work on them over the next few days if I have time. Let's see about that...

Okay, it's written down, and I want to wrap up for now.

Good night.