Coding 2022-04-24
No thread today. I ended up banging my head against mypy errors pretty much all day. On the plus side, I got the tests to pass, though there was a certain level of weakening involved.
Anyway, I'm a little worn out from all of that, so I don't know if I'll get back into things tomorrow, but here's what needs to happen next:
- Finish up flake8 module coverage.
- Catalog remaining coverage misses.
- Figure out what I need to address those misses.
- Prioritize additional tests.
- Write additional tests.
- Once I hit 100% coverage, start cleaning up test code (switch a bunch of parameterization stuff to fixtures, mainly, and look into preparing the layout for limit-coverage).
I'm feeling a little loopy right now, so I think I'm done for today.
Good night.