Coding 2020-04-30
So, I kind of procrastinated on setting up a flit project. Instead, I've theoretically got a full implementation of every function I copied over so far. We'll see; the code is more-or-less at "eyeballed vigorously" level of quality assurance, so I wouldn't trust it. On a related hand, however, I don't have an interface designed for it, so really, this is all kinds of a tossup right now.
Anyway, I'm going to document all of the steps I need to do, and do them, so I can hopefully get this done tonight.
- Create artifacts directories outside of my synched directories. This step is specific to my kind of lazy and janky home directory setup. Basically, I don't want to deal with conflict files in my build artifacts. I did this earlier today because it's quick, although I didn't symlink the directories in yet. I'll get that now.
- Create a source control repository. I've mostly been using pijul for my new projects, so I'll keep that up.
- Next I'll need an ignore file. Let's see if I can grab one from another project... All set, although it does indicate that I might have created some unneeded directories in the first step. Eh.
- Need a bunch of configuration files, and some minor reorganization... Okay, the source is in the right place, now, setup.cfg, requirements.txt, README.rst, pyproject.toml,, more requirements files, mypy.ini, .coveragerc, and now I'm suddenly remembering why I want to write cell, sheesh.
- Create a python environment...
- Run the tests so I remember what I haven't handled yet... Added a few things, like docs directory, some metadata, and updated checker requirements.
- Okay, let's do the initial commit.
And, that's enough for now. Tomorrow, I'll sketch out how I want to use this code, and maybe start getting the coverage up from 4%.
Good night.