Coding 2020-03-01
Third coding entry this week, because I got just so excited about finally working on these projects again. Nothing much to say about it, I guess. I got coverage stats up from 2% to 90%. Made some changes that I had planned for like a month. I had some kind-of-janky code in there meant to work with my old Mythic V1 code, which I took out, but I want to try to bring it back. When I do, I can make a cleaner implementation of that code.
One thing I've been feeling from working with wemake-python-styleguide is that there are enough points where I'm looking at the documentation and getting frustrated, that I'd kind of like to try making my own style thing.
Points to keep in mind for such a project:
- Pick an auto-formatter, like black, and don't warn for anything that it handles. This includes line length and quote style. Basically, if it can be handled automatically, it should go in an auto-formatter, and if it can't, it... can't, and therefore shouldn't.
- I'd really like to figure out if it's possible to statically annotate scopes so as to indicate what kind of conventions, such as naming, to follow.
- It ideally should not crash when run against Sructured Data.
Is it mean of me to keep bringing that last one up? Probably. Will I stop? Probably not.
Anyway, I let writing this go late. I should wrap up now.
Good night.