Articles in the Weekly Roundup category

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  1. Weekly Roundup 2020-07-21

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Again, my response to programming tutorials is nothing if not consistent.

  2. Weekly Roundup 2020-07-07

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I think I prefer the books on technique or motivation that don't sound like the the author has the urge to found a cult.

  3. Weekly Roundup 2020-06-30

    By Max Woerner Chase

    It's kind of not nice to call pyglet-trio "a solution in search of a problem", but, yeah...

  4. Weekly Roundup 2020-06-16

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I would really like it if time could pass at a normal rate, please and thank you.

  5. Weekly Roundup 2020-06-09

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I feel like it's rare for me to come out of a ridiculous metaprogramming exercise going "You shouldn't use this because it doesn't meet the requirements." rather than "You shouldn't use this because it's unsettling." Maybe I'm not pushing my code far enough.

  6. Weekly Roundup 2020-06-02

    By Max Woerner Chase

    "The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time."

  7. Weekly Roundup 2020-05-26

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Attacked by trees and the sun. I think I've figured out where Captain Planet villains come from.

  8. Weekly Roundup 2020-05-19

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I was listening to Takamachi Walk's Permanence while writing this. It helped.

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