4D Worldbuilding 2024-10-27
I punched all those numbers into the calculator, and it made a face with a raised eyebrow.
I punched all those numbers into the calculator, and it made a face with a raised eyebrow.
I punched all those numbers into the calculator, and it made a sad face.
I have no idea how helpful this stuff is going to be for me later.
Let's see if I remember this kind of thing from college...
Not great overall, but some progress.
It is baffling to me that this stuff was once (and still is, by certain untrussworthy online encyclopedias) considered philosophy. Who does philosophy with vector arithmetic?
Getting the basic stuff together, so I have something to fall back on when things get Weird.
Maybe I'll just start peppering these posts with math notation again. Maybe that's what'll happen.
My project management style is a flat circle.
I think I should consider taking a vacation just to work on this stuff. I have a few things I'd like to take care of, first.