Coding 2024-06-12
Hopefully, I don't later discover that I somehow needed these to implement the protocol.
Hopefully, I don't later discover that I somehow needed these to implement the protocol.
Not a total waste, but pretty wasteful.
Screaming "couldn't you have come up with a better way?!" at basal tetrapods.
I ended up remembering a lot of opinions about MOTR, and developing some new ones.
One of my comments just like "I don't remember what this does, but I think it's important."
I'm just not as good at writing code as people who are fine with looser coverage metrics.
Finding the bits of code that I don't need to understand in order to test.
Not much to talk about here and now, possibly because I've been into weird multitasking recently. Oh well.
Trying to make proper forward progress, once again.
Hopefully, I picked the right workaround.