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  1. Diary 2019-12-22

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Once the big holidays are past, I should try using Pomodoro or something again.

  2. Diary 2019-12-21

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Took things easy, but made some progress.

  3. Diary 2019-12-20

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I know exactly why I was so tired.

  4. Diary 2019-12-19

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I don't know why I was so tired.

  5. Diary 2019-12-18

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Laying groundwork for my made-up, sort-of-a-joke language.

  6. Weekly Roundup 2019-12-17

    By Max Woerner Chase

    What you have to understand is, I made * a lot* of progress on Baba Is You

  7. Diary 2019-12-16

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Taken by a fey mood!

  8. Diary 2019-12-15

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Lowest-effort post without being sick, I think.

  9. Ink-Py 2019-12-14

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Short entry because head hurty.

  10. Ink-Py 2019-12-13

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I'm skipping over a lot of Ink's caching logic, so it's probably going to chug once it actually, like, works.

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