Diary 2020-08-26
Doing things called on account of soggy heat.
Doing things called on account of soggy heat.
Someone just dump silica gel packets all over my prone body, please.
The couch is fine, we just want to get rid of it before we move to a place without space for it.
This post took a while to publish because I was mustering the energy required to put the computer down.
I'm thinking of trying to rename them with a mad-science theme.
"It did too much, so it was broken. Now it's not broken, and I can't tell if it's doing anything."
Pretty sure "remake the universe without the garbage" was the stated goal of several Pokémon antagonists.
*Try to follow composition tutorial* "Ugh" *Bend my music theory knowledge in ways it was not meant to be bent* "Ooo"
Massive increase in coverage, probably some redundant tests.
Coming up on the end of the current push with the interpreter.