Weekly Roundup 2020-08-18
Massive increase in coverage, probably some redundant tests.
Massive increase in coverage, probably some redundant tests.
Coming up on the end of the current push with the interpreter.
Sure is boring./This quality is what all true programmers strive for.
I continue to be not to be trusted to follow directions.
Recommendations for test coverage: "100% coverage is unealistic." My uncovered statements: "NoThInG iS fOrBiDdEn AnD eVeRyThInG iS pErMiTtEd."
limit-coverage is sort of like New Game Plus for coverage metrics
Less than two weeks later, and I have determined that this isn't a working Lox interpreter.
Area man disturbed both by the unpredictable experience and the predictable effects of the passage of time.
"This is probably fine."
Most representative commit message of today goes to "Fix a nonsense"