Coding 2022-07-17

By Max Woerner Chase

Okay, I did some work on writing today, and I did some more, but mostly I was working on getting an idea of how to write these docstrings. Here's where I ended up:

Other things I found:

With all of this research, now there's just a little more I want to check before I try to document MOTR...

Anyway, all of that gives me stuff to guide my attempts to actually properly document MOTR. The general idea I have there is to write documentation that's good enough for fixing the design issues I hit, then look into adding a pylint stage to the current motrfile, unless I can find a flake8 plugin for stuff like "documented names match the names in the code". Maybe do those in the other order, actually, so I have a checklist to work through.

Anyway, I'm going to take care of some things, and then do a bit more writing. I don't want the night to get completely away from me again.

Good night.