Articles in the Weekly Roundup category

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  1. Weekly Roundup 2021-11-23

    By Max Woerner Chase

    A burst of productivity that is almost enough to get things working properly.

  2. Weekly Roundup 2021-11-16

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Important progress, but I would like to hit some kind of milestone...

  3. Weekly Roundup 2021-11-09

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Looking over various rough versions of things, and being astonished at the oversights...

  4. Weekly Roundup 2021-10-26

    By Max Woerner Chase

    That was a bit frustrating, but my main priority is sleeping better, which, um, we'll see...

  5. Weekly Roundup 2021-10-12

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I feel like I can't trust my eyes not to hurt my brain again.

  6. Weekly Roundup 2021-10-05

    By Max Woerner Chase

    Would you believe I haven't been holding myself to work on a particular thing on a given day in quite some time? Shocking, I know.

  7. Weekly Roundup 2021-09-21

    By Max Woerner Chase

    I made progress, but I'm not really feeling momentum from it.

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