Learning Koka 2022-08-12
I'm going to need to write more stuff down and stop trying to get this done in my head.
I'm going to need to write more stuff down and stop trying to get this done in my head.
Not totally confident about this approach, but let's see how it shakes out...
All of this stuff going on with HTML that I usually don't think about...
Still at the stage where I can do a bunch of fancy stuff that makes complete sense, then comprehensively trip over my shoelaces at the last possible moment, apparently.
Explaining what I'm doing in order to lay out how it's completely wrong.
Here's a project, and here's why it won't work. Let's see how much of it I can still try to do.
I'm missing some subtleties around imports in Koka. Oh well, more to research.
If it compiles, it flexes on me.