Diary 2022-07-28
This feels like how I got sometimes a decade ago, in a bad way.
This feels like how I got sometimes a decade ago, in a bad way.
Secret basement level to Maslow's pyramid: teeth no hurty.
Imagine fighting a dude and there's a bunch of mice or something trying to give you a pep talk, that'd be so weird.
What does this year want from me? Blood?
This rate of progress is a little frustrating, but I have plans for the weekend...
It's a shame that I used up all of my writing juice, or whatever.
I think I used all of my focus today on work.
I wonder if this is what it feels like to spend all that time sanding those knives made of things that no sane person would make a knife out of.
"Wait, this new scene only fits with the previous draft. Bleh."
It seems that today I was very distracta