Coding 2020-03-06
It's kimd of hard to play to my strengths in front-end development, but this blog manages it.
It's kimd of hard to play to my strengths in front-end development, but this blog manages it.
The level of my coverage metrics on this over the course of the day has me really freaked out about projects with 60% coverage. Like, what are they even testing.
It just feels so good to be working on this stuff again.
Turns out things are more enjoyable when you're not constantly thinking about how your tools are doing extra "helpful" things that you don't want, not even a little bit.
Friendship ended with POETRY Now FLIT is my best friend
Simple, obvious, and wrong?
Trying to wrap up sooner...
It's kind of hard for me to fit all of the ideas here in my head.
Super distracted.
Turns out if I'm not sure what's the best way forward, then I can write a test before an implementation.